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View Full Version : 2012 Utah WinterFest

12-15-2011, 07:47 PM
If you have any questions, please contact-
Ben Woodruff skymasterswildlife@hotmail.com (skymasterswildlife@hotmail.com)


It’s time for the 10th annual Winterfest Falconry gathering.

This year is our 10 year anniversary! Come celebrate with us!

WHEN: January 28, 2012 10:00 AM

WHERE: Lone Peak Park Pavillion
10140 South 700 East
Sandy, UT
(look it up on google maps)

Who: EVERYONE is invited. Please bring your family,
friends, scouts, interested parties, etc.
But please support the potluck and raffle as well.


History- Winterfest started 10 years ago as a FREE public/family friendly falconry event. It is not a “meet” or a “trial” by state definition. It is an opportunity to fly birds, eat food, make new friends, and share ideas. This event has grown each year and has become a fun winter tradition.

Flights- These timed flights are a competition, but meant to be light hearted and fun spirited. So PLEASE FLY YOUR BIRD! You don’t have to worry about looking silly or being jabbed for a less than stellar performance. That being said, if you fly, please make sure your bird is at weight. The flight competitions will have 3 categories. Kestrel, Red-tail, and Harris hawk. The flights are timed flights. The falconer can choose to do the flights to the fist or to the lure, whichever will solicit a faster response from his bird. Awards will be given in each category for fastest flights.
Please do not hesitate to fly your bird!!! This is all meant in good fun, and is supposed to cater to newer falconers. So don’t be shy. Fly your bird!

Potluck- Winterfest is free. And it is our hope to always keep it that way. We will be having an indoor potluck. All food is free, but everyone is expected to bring food! If you are going to eat food, please see that you bring food. This event is far more fun if the potluck is well stocked. Everybody likes to eat. So spend a few bucks, and bring some food. Crock pot items are especially welcome.

Raffle- Having a raffle is what has allowed us to keep Winterfest free. Please bring money for raffle tickets, and if you are feeling generous and community minded, please bring raffle items to put on the table. Every bit helps. The raffle started as a way that newer falconers could obtain much needed equipment, but it has come to be a fun and vital part of Winterfest. There will be art, equipment, gift packs, and many great non-falconry items as well. This year should be a fun raffle. Please support the raffle if you can. We will be set up to use credit cards if needed. The park and pavilion rental was several hundred dollars. We hope to recoup some of this from the raffle.

Bird yard- After the flights are over, an outdoor bird yard will be set up. PLEASE BRING YOUR BIRDS even if you are not flying. The bird yard is a huge part of this event. It is fun for everyone to see all the birds. Guests will be free to look at and photograph birds. This is always a fun part for everyone, especially families and newcomers. The bird yard will be roped off and manned. If you have a perch with a spike base, this year we will have a drill with a masonry bit to drill holes if the ground is frozen. Please make sure your equipment is strong and reliable. All species are welcome. There will also be a “beauty contest” done in conjunction with this that everyone gets to vote on. This too is meant all in good fun, and is done with comical categories.

Please come and help support this fun tradition. Please help by bringing food, birds, raffle items, etc. This should be a great year! We hope to see you there.

If you have any questions, please contact-

Ben Woodruff skymasterswildlife@hotmail.com (skymasterswildlife@hotmail.com)