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View Full Version : There Will Be Blood II

Ron Clarke
09-04-2013, 05:30 PM
It fascinates me how, every fall, NAFA Members descend on some unsuspecting rural U.S. community and turn it into “Falconry Central” for a week. Birds and dogs take over the grounds of the Meet hotel. Last year in Kearney, hundreds of falconers fanned out across the countryside, seeking landowners’ permission to hunt on their property. This year, we’ll create a significant change to normal life in Alamosa.

Of course, in exchange for the disruptions we create, NAFA Meet host communities realize significant returns. Local economies benefit from the money falconers spend for lodging, food, gasoline, and entertainment. School kids see birds of prey up close in their classrooms and in the NAFA weathering yard. Landowners and their families enjoy extensive exposure to a sport many didn’t even know existed.

But we surely appreciate our local hosts.

They make NAFA Meets possible.

We want them to know we appreciate their hospitality.

Last year, NAFA started a tradition of leaving one more thank you gift in our wake: the gift of life. We held a blood drive and gave everything we collected to the community.

At that first ever NAFA Meet drive, the Kearney Red Cross chapter collected 37 units of blood. That blood has the potential of saving more than a hundred people’s lives. This enormous gift didn’t cost donors anything but a few minutes of their time.

We’re going to thank the Alamosa community this year with our second annual blood drive, Tuesday, November 26, 2013 from 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM at the Meet hotel, the Inn of the Rio Grande. Colorado’s Bonfils Blood Center will have a team in place ready and eager to accept your donation.

If you’re a regular donor, I hope you’ll be able to schedule your usual donation so you may give at the NAFA Meet. If you’re a past donor, but have fallen out of the habit, perhaps this will inspire you to make it a regular part of your calendar again. If you’ve never given blood, join us. It’s a quietly rewarding thing to do.

Please let me know if you would like to donate blood at this year’s NAFA Meet. I’ll make sure you get all the information you need to make an appointment. Call me at (907) 723-6840 or Anne Price at (303) 587-6987 if you have any questions.

Thank you for being a silent hero.

09-04-2013, 06:23 PM
Ron, I couldn't donate last year but I tried. This year, Lord willin, you will get my blood. Way to go!

Ron Clarke
09-05-2013, 11:57 AM
Good on ya, Mario. Thanks for trying last year. We'll keep our fingers crossed this time around.


Ron Clarke
10-07-2013, 02:13 PM
So far, 28 NAFA Members have signed up to donate blood at the Alamosa Meet. Thank you, one and all! There's still plenty of room. Drop me a note if you're interested in participating.

10-07-2013, 03:37 PM
I'll take #29

10-07-2013, 05:02 PM

This is a wonderful way to enhance the image, not only of NAFA, but of falconers in general. Good thinking, and good on you!

Bill Boni

Ron Clarke
10-09-2013, 01:41 PM
I'll take #29

Thanks, Rich -- good on ya. We're up to 31 now! You falconers are fierce good people.

Ron Clarke
10-09-2013, 01:48 PM

This is a wonderful way to enhance the image, not only of NAFA, but of falconers in general. Good thinking, and good on you!

Bill Boni

Thanks, Bill. I'd love to see this catch on with other hunting groups who gather in small communities. A little friendly competition between dog trialers or gun hunters and falconers would see local blood banks coming out on top every time. Non-resident hunters are so often perceived of as somewhere between ax murderers and Members of Congress (just drive around Montana in the fall in a vehicle with California plates if you doubt it). If we want to retain access to hunting grounds, it can't hurt to do a good turn for the local community when we come to town.

10-09-2013, 07:44 PM
Do you need to make an appointment or are folks able to walk in. Or are you just trying to get an idea of numbers interested.

Ron Clarke
10-09-2013, 09:39 PM
Hi Darren,

We'd like to nail down as many solid appointments as possible. If donors want to be reasonably assured of getting in and getting out in time to get out hawking in the afternoon, I recommend making appointments. However, if last year was any indication, there should be room for walk-ins, too. Local response last year was extremely gratifying, and I expect there will be a few Alamosa residents who will stop in through the course of the afternoon. The more, the merrier.

If you're interested in donating but can't commit to a specific time just yet, please let me know. If the donor count warrants, Bonfils Blood Center may bring one more donor couch so we can accommodate everyone.

Thanks for your interest and your questions.

10-09-2013, 10:14 PM
Well count me in at least. I just don't know what time.

Ron Clarke
10-10-2013, 12:26 PM
Thanks, Darren. Good on ya!

Ron Clarke
11-06-2013, 04:31 AM
We now have 37 donors signed up. Thanks, everyone! We've added a fourth couch and will start an hour earlier than originally planned so we can accommodate all who are interested. The blood drive now runs from noon until 5:00 PM. Join us!

11-06-2013, 03:10 PM
Great effort but is there anything planned for people that cannot donate blood but want to do something. Most Europeans and Brits or anyone that lived in the UK or Europe during the 80's are unable to give blood in the USA.

11-06-2013, 03:47 PM
Great effort but is there anything planned for people that cannot donate blood but want to do something. Most Europeans and Brits or anyone that lived in the UK or Europe during the 80's are unable to give blood in the USA.

some one can take over my weathering yard duties while I go. Would be a great help, depending on the time of day,

Ron Clarke
11-15-2013, 07:26 PM
Great effort but is there anything planned for people that cannot donate blood but want to do something. Most Europeans and Brits or anyone that lived in the UK or Europe during the 80's are unable to give blood in the USA.

Hi Steve,

Got any ideas? I'd love to involve those who can't donate. There are a million reasons why potential donors are deferred, and I'd like very much to find ways for those folks to participate. We're having a special drawing for prizes donated to the blood drive -- if you have something to contribute to that cause, we'd welcome it. Anyone? Ideas??

Ron Clarke
12-02-2013, 03:39 AM
Final tally on the 2013 NAFA Meet blood drive:

38 people presented to donate (31 falconers/family/friends, 7 locals);
25 were able to give blood.

Those 25 units of blood have the potential of saving 75 lives. Good work delivering a valuable gift to our host community.

Thanks, all!

12-03-2013, 01:02 AM
When she put the needle in my vein, blood shot across the room! I have easy access veins so why do people have such a hard time drawing my blood? She did apologize profusely. It was a great experience with a very knowledgeable staff. It did bring me some luck since we pulled fur on some big jacks!!!!

Too bad all I caught was a mouse?????confusedd.