View Full Version : Hello from Alberta

10-21-2013, 09:47 PM
Hi there! I thought it might be a good idea to introduce myself. I live around Edmonton, AB, Canada. I'm an avid outdoorsman with upland/waterfowl as the center of my attention. I have two wonderful Viszlas that I've been training as pointing dogs. I currently use a shotgun since I'm yet to join the Alberta Falconry Association. However I'm teaching the dogs commands which are needed for falconry.
I have a post secondary education in biological sciences and have always been the type to observe nature with great reverence. I own and have studied a number of falconry related books as well as have spoken to a couple local falconers.
I'm a great fan of hunting ruffed/spruce grouse in the boreal forest, once I achieve the rank of apprentice falconer I would like to harvest a passage Northern Goshawk as it is the dominant bird of prey in the habitat that I hunt.
I foresee a Red Tail as my first bird.
I have plenty of questions and am looking forward to learning from the pool of knowledge that is NAFEX
- Pavlo

10-22-2013, 11:46 PM
Hey Pavlo,

Welcome, with your experience of hunting with bird dogs you should have no real huge issues with introducing falconry into your life, assuming you have the time and a good sponsor. As you probably know, there are several falconers in your area. The Alberta falconers are a good bunch. Good luck!

10-23-2013, 06:33 PM
Thank you for the kind words. It is true, Albertas' falconers are a great bunch. There is only about 40 of them with a good number located in my area, I'm certain that someone will be willing to become my sponsor.
- Pavlo

10-23-2013, 07:49 PM
Welcome! Your dream of hunting ruffed and spruce grouse with a goshawk sounds like a wonderful one! I hope it becomes a reality and you share it with us. Starting out with a RT is a good choice I think and you might enjoy it so much you might come to realize that it you could have never dreamed something so wonderful :)