View Full Version : 2018 GLFA Field Meet

10-22-2017, 07:04 PM
The GLFA is holding their annual field meet in Champaign once again we are doing some things differently this year such as having Abby Duval be our guest speaker, we are planning on having a small raffle, and we are going to have both GLFA and IFA gear for sale at the meet. It should be a great time weather dependent there’s always been crazy cottontail numbers with both flights off the glove and from trees available as well as pheasant in decent numbers as well as duck. It’s pretty centrally located in the state and we are encouraging out of state residents to attend. If you have any questions please feel free to pm me, I hope to see some of you there it should be a great time for all no matter what you fly.


10-24-2017, 08:39 PM
Are any mini meets scheduled for Dec?

10-25-2017, 10:57 AM
No, mini meets this year. We are putting all our efforts into one big meet. Though the Illinois Falconers Organization holds several mini meets a year. If you go to their website you’ll see the dates and locations listed.

01-10-2018, 12:46 PM
Hello. If you plan on attending this event please register on our website, so e can get a headcount for food and t-shirts. Thanks.

10-28-2018, 12:14 PM
I was a member of GLFA way way back in the early 1970's then moved out to Coeur d' Alene Idaho (24 miles east of Spokane WA) . I and Scott Lewandowski Terry Draut & Steve Vanzant kept the blind going till the 1980's. We use to trap birds and band & release at the Zion IL. Blind that my older brother Kenny Sterner and Steve Vanzant, Terry Draut, Marty Lewandowski & Bob Steffens built the Zion blind and trapped for years. I also know that Rob Sulski (spelling) is trapping their now, I think. My question is, how was trapping out that way been going. I had heard from Bob Steffens who said that migration was not starting as of Oct 12th due to the warmer weather up north. If you know, has migration started after Oct. 12 and is still going on???? Any answer would be great. I am now living in Butner NC. and haven't seen ANY movement of ANY raptors or even Dickie Birds at all. Thanks Don Sterner...................