View Full Version : Hello from south eastern PA

08-08-2010, 09:34 AM
Hello everyone. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Michael Schulze, but call me Mike please. I live in Myerstown, PA and am fairly new to Falconry. I was introduced to the life style back in March of this year by a friend at work who is a Falconer. My friend form work is licensed in Colorado and had been out of Falconry for a few years now as he travels a lot for work. My friend gave me several books to read and the more I read the more I know this is what I want to do. Since the time my friend planted the seed in my head I have been in contact with several folks in my area about what I have to do to become an apprentice. I have applied for membership for NAFA, haven’t heard back from them yet and I have become an associate member to PFHT. I attended the PFHT annual picnic yesterday and that is were I learned of this web site. Right now there are two obstacles preventing me from becoming a Falconer. First and easiest obstacle is an ordinance that my borrow has about aviaries. After speaking with the zoning commission officer and the borrow manager, both feel that it will be fine but they wanted to speak with their solicitor before saying yes. The second obstacle is finding a sponsor. I have been meeting falconers in my area and I know its just a matter of getting to know folks so I am being patient and am going to just keep meeting other falconers and when the time is right I will find me a sponsor. Well that’s all I have to say for now. I am looking forward to meeting new people who share the same passion as I do. Good hunting all!!

Mike Schulze

08-08-2010, 09:50 AM
Best of luck to ya Mike. I don't think we formally meet each other yesterday, although you name rings a bell as a new member. I was the short, bald headed one helping with the raffle.

08-08-2010, 05:38 PM
Thanks Fred. Yeah we didnt formally meet but I do recall you.

08-09-2010, 02:00 AM
Welcome to NAFEX. You should not have any trouble finding a sponsor. There are quite a few falconers around you. Once the season kicks in...offer to beat brush for them and you will make friends fast.

Good Luck

08-09-2010, 07:00 AM
Hello Mike, and welcome! I hope all goes well in your journey. I am a first year apprentice so I can truly relate to where you are. Take your time and be persistent. I know a fellow apprentice who had restrictions in his development he had to adhear to. If you would like I can ask if he is willing to share some pictures for ideas. Just keep in mind you state regs. As he is in Maryland. Good luck and take care.


08-12-2010, 11:56 AM
Well as the trapping season is approching here in PA. Is there anyone that is going on trapping in September/October time frame that would like some company. I am intrested in learning how to trap. I do not have a sponser yet so I am looking for anyone who wants company form a willing particapent. Also I am willing to lend my services of beating bushing and bringing coffee and dougnuts to the field for anyone wanting some extra help. Let me know if anyone is intrested.

08-12-2010, 12:19 PM
Hey Mike,

Welcome to the community. I'm glad that you're becoming a NAFA member. Make a few phonecalls to members of the PFHT and get out with folks as much as you can this season. (remember that there are a LOT more licensed falconers in PA than the ones who use this forum) Really network the community and I wouldn't be surprised if you're trapping your first bird in a little over a year.

PA is a great state for falconry. They have a fantastic organization (PFHT) and lots of great hunting areas for redtails.

Yours in the Sport,
Scott McNeff

08-12-2010, 12:38 PM
Hey Mike,

I live for coffee and donuts. I'm a bit far from you, but if your ever coming to the northern reaches of the state, give me a shout or PM.