Conversation Between tainge and PeteJ

5 Visitor Messages

  1. He was a trip last year. Almost ready to pick him up again...two tail feathers have about an inch to go. He was an amazing spelunker!
  2. Pete,

    Just got through about 3/4 of the link. Great read and an excellent job. Can't wait to finish. tim
  3. I'm really into the HH thing and doing rehab work. I have been successful breeding HH's mainly for friends as I only have one breeding pair with no plans right now of expanding. Had a ball with a Pygmy Owl. Nobody writes about them here but they someday will put a new twist on micro hawking. Best, tim
  4. Hi Tim, Yeah, where you been hiding out? I've been taking the plunge into a passage tiercel Coop as of last season. Waiting for him to finish up his molt now..he's looking handsome as a guy could hope for really. Now if his personality will come back online after months of no handling at all?!LOL Good luck with that I'm thinking.LOL Anyway, there's a lengthy thread on him if you want to catch up on our antics. Hope you have been well and doing well. What have you been up to falconry-wise? Thanks for checking in.
  5. Pete,

    It's been quite a while, just checking in and I hope your season is off to a fast start. tim
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