Conversation Between Birdmedic and steve watson

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Raptor Breeders of America is a new organization founded by Steve Watson, Doug Alton and Bill Meeker. We now have about a dozen raptor Breeders and falconers in these first few days who who have joined on two levels. The first is a Charter membership for breeders. The second is as a Supporting membership, for falconers that do not breed raptors but would like to be involved in some way and have their voice heard and add their name to the roll of concerned falconers and Breeders of America. There is no fee to join. If you would like to become a member to help the cause and have your voice heard it is time to stand up and put your name forward. You can do so by writing to Thank you, Steve Watson, Doug Alton, Bill Meeker
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