Conversation Between Snakeman4224 and AirAssault

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey still want to be a Falconer????? ~Bill
  2. Hope your feeling better, give me a call later.
  3. COME BACK TO LIFE JAMES, hope you are felling better your not missing anything. Weather sucks, and my bird is on wieght and whats to kill me, mean old girl.
    Bill LOL
  4. James how you fellin better I hope Get ready to go hawking, Thanks for the thought of making me a glove for christmas you don't know how much it means to me . I'm glad that you called and you are the type of person that I think anyone would what as an apprentess I know you'll make a good falconer, and hope well enjoy many days afield. Just keep studying. May your future bring you strong flights and many rabbit squeels.
  5. Hey can I be your friend haha. Se you in the morning.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5