Conversation Between Chris L. and michaelberan

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Chris,
    It's Michael Beran, I'm in Las Cruces taking a NMDA test Monday 6/16/2014 then I'm heading to Carlsbad to take some pics of nesting HH's, do you have any nest sites you could recommend? I have pretty good glass but still wanted to get withing 200 feet. Text me at 318-572-2594, I can trade hunting land in Lubbock ......
  2. Hey Chris, I haven't been on NAFEX in a while, just been busy, I logged in because my apprentice Chris Starr was told by a NAFEX admin Kory Koch that I was a, "raging bigot ripe with homophobia" I've no idea where this came from but as I'm neither I'm wondering if Kory is even talking about the right person?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2