Conversation Between JDHODGE and robhawkyyz

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Rob,
    How is the bird doing?
    I have my house up for sale. Think I have a place in Waller just trying to get the price right.
    Talk to you soon.
  2. Hey Hodge, do you have any plans for a merlin this year? I'm not sure what i'm going to do, probably a redtail but, all my fields are getting torn up with some urban sprawling. What is a falconer to do? Rob
  3. Cool, i'm ready to work with one and see how it goes, if you need anything let me know!!
  4. a female coops is what i'm looking for, Cody has been to a few peoples houses that have some pigeon lofts but has not had luck yet, and was talking about going to "Smith pointe" to try and trap them, i haven't talked to him yet about it. and i have not seen any yet. so yes if you can get one i'll take it. i hope you have some luck with the merlins too!! Rob
  5. Rob,
    Have you been out looking for a Coop?
    I'm going to the coast this weekend and will take my BC with me.
    If I see a Coopers would you like me to try and trap it for you.
    Are you looking for a male or female?
  6. Tried to call on your land line and no answer.
    I have your cell phone number at work.
    Try again tomorrow
  7. Sorry to hear about your bird.
    I'll call tonight.
  8. no i don't have a sparrow trap yet but, if you have an extra one i'll try and trap some around the house here. otherwise the hawk is doing fine and i still have places to fly but my field at park row and mason is completely gone to contruction, i still have a few other places, sadly they soon will be gone too, call me if you have an extra trap and i'll get a few sparrows here.
  9. Do you have a sparrow trap??
    If so I need as many as you can trap.. I have about 20 but need 25 more. I am going to the texas panhandle in two weeks to trap and I need as many as I can get.
    The birds around here have wised up. I have not trapped a bird in 10 days. Doing the same thing just not trapping any.
    How is your bird doing? When I hunt I have been looking for rabbit sign and just not seen much.
    No water in our duch ponds so duck season for us has been over for about 2 weeks.
    We do have a few quail but that is about all.
  10. Lunch Hour???
    You need to get back to work and help get the economy going!!!
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