Conversation Between MadAustringer and carlosR

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I met a guy this week who has been shooting traditional for years and hunts avidly. His advise to me, go hunting! If you get a Korean bow get the best you can afford. Don't waste your money on the entry level bows, get one from Duvernay or Mandarin Mansion. Beautiful workmanship. I'm thinking of a horn bow Korean next. I fell in love with my Grozer biocomposite and it's materials. How many bows are enough?
  2. If you do, get a biocomposite bow. The one I have is so sweet to shoot. Funny tho my Korean bow is the smoothest, fastest of the bunch. Cool that you are into these too. Do you shoot from horseback?
  3. noticed you are into horseback archery, what type of bow do you shoot? I like the bows and shoot a Korean and a Grozer Turkish. Someday a Saluki
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