Conversation Between burn and Chris L.

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello Chris (I sent a previous msg to you...sorry for redundancy),

    As reported - NAFEX has stopped allowing me to post pics.

    I see a discrepancy in the posting rules between NAFEX and Photobucket.

    NAFEX Rules:

    When the code is generated by photobucket it looks like this:


    See example of the code generated by one of my pics at Photobucket:

    I may be wrong but shouldn't they match, what I mean is...the NAFEX rules and the Photobucket output?

    After reading NAFEX rules the whole "[URL]" string is disallowed to prohibit outside links right?

    Hope to get this resolved.

    Thanks for NAFEX...wonderful resource!

    Dennis Hinojos
  2. Hello,

    Thank you for the kind words. I hope you find use in NAFEX.

    email me a screen shot of how you are posting it and I can better assist you.

  3. Hello Chris, I am new to your forum...of course it's awesome! and you have done a great job. When I first posted my thread using Photobucket for the pics, they went through fine. Now, using the same methodology, they do not show and only a "IMG" icon appears. I have read the help files for this forum and followed there a work around for this? Thanks.
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