Conversation Between broken feather and rri32701

5 Visitor Messages

  1. post so what is the difference between a RNS and a barbary Tanner will blow up!!!!!
  2. Hey Russ just wanted to let you know we really appreciated you taking us out hunting your spots Sunday.Knowing you had already hunted twice last weekend it was alot of effort on your part.
    The Current contact # for Michele Outlaw is 404-679-7070 she is the federal contact that you send a $100 ck to along with a copy of anything you send to Precious Boatwright.According to Beth Szacks it will help things move faster.
    I'll be hunting Clermont this weekend. I know a couple good fields (besides the bowl)there so if anyone wants to come up let me know.
  3. How did it go today.We still on for tomorrow?930 at Mcdonalds at County Line rd?
    Let me know
  4. Robert, I thank you for taking Edwin out with you!!!! I flew with Mark and Edwin on sun. We took 3 rabbits Russ
  5. Robert, Sorry my bird looked poor last time out. I was trying to fly her to high, but at 1299 she a new bird!!!!I'm trying to see if some falconer are up for sat. or sun . We can fly some fields in lakeland to make it closer for you if you wish to come?? Russ
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