Conversation Between Yorkshire Hawker and lockedon67

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Sean I have the same lense and can say you will get some great pictures with it.I bought the new Nikon 11x zoom lense with the VR wave motor on Saturday but so far have failed to get the same results as the Sigma. Must be me and the settings.
    Good luck with your endevours.
  2. Hi Alan... I have been using the D40x for around 4 months now and to be honest I have only just started to use it for hawking so I feel I cant really comment too much....I did however have a day at a red kite feeding station and felt well pleased with the results, using a Sigma 70-300mm lens on a not too sunny day. Looking forward to this hawkng season to get underway proper so I can really get to grips with using this lens.
  3. Hello Sean thought I would check you out ,I see you use a Nikon 40x what do you think of the camera and do you have any tips on using it for taking fast action shots.
    All the best Alan.
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