Conversation Between nebli and Pedioecetes

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Juan,
    Island Girl is about 6 hours away from me on the edge of the boreal forest. Very difficult to access that area from the ground. My wife grew up about 1 hour southwest of there and I am familiar with the country. I can't get up there and have any hope of getting close unfortunately. When the tiercel, Seven, was on his migration north he roosted one night on a marsh less than an hour from where I live almost on the same location where the passage Peregrine I currently fly was trapped in 2003. Unfortunately, I didn't know he had been there until two days later, and he was long gone. I've been watching the Southern Cross Peregrine project since it started. Fascinating information. Would be interesting to see what the "calidus" Peregrines wintering in South Africa do on their migration to the nesting grounds.
  2. good morning my name is juan I have followed a peregrine migration ( see thread )
    the falcon we followed is about crossing the border to your place ,well at least your province .
    could you if not too far away from your place try to take a picture of her , she has been equiped with a gps in chile 3 years ago , and it is possible to find her through
    gps coordination and try to get close enough early morning to take a picture of her it will be a first.
    so if you canb help that would be great if yopu know of others that could do it in others part of saskatchewan that could be of great help
    here are the adress where to find the actual position of that falcon.

    on nafex:
    hope you can help
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