Conversation Between frootdog and michaelberan

6 Visitor Messages

  1. call me and I will see what I can do.
  2. Hey Krys,
    Need to talk to you about a back up plan, I've arranged with the owners of Boot Hill Casino to take some of their upper end clients out hawking in exchange for raffle items and exclusive use of over 400 acres of prime land.
    It might happen that I will be shooting a movie with the EEO on the 19th and 20th if so I will be late in arriving in Dodge City, could you take a couple small groups out the 22nd and 23rd if I'm not in town by then?
  3. 8175289743
  4. I broke my phone and lost your number, mind sending it to me again?
  5. No plans right now til 4
  6. Krys,
    What are you doing next Saturday, the 15th?
    Was thinking of driving over to have you take some PICs of Saif the Saker stooping the lure?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6