Conversation Between Kaden Stenlund and sharptail

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey Kaden...It has been a long time since I have seen your name on the boards!
  2. Hey Jeff, its been a while... I have been in Malaysia since early august... I've been really busy with school and haven't had a lot of time to keep up with everyone... I'll be back in Wyoming for good in early June. I'm hoping to connect with some falconers in the park county area and you know just hang out... lean the ropes I guess... This Sport(life style) still really interests me... But I've been busy... How was the hunting last fall? Hope to hear some stories. You can send me a private message. Hope to hear from ya soon.
  3. Hi goes? Where are you now, in the US? Are you still with us or have you dropped out?
  4. Hey Jeff what part of the black hills do you live in... Because I have family who live in Hulet and my whole family owns a ranch back in the hills(about thirty miles out side of Hulet)I will be out there for probably a week and a half this summer maybe we could meet up and talk a bit. ( just a thought) get back to me on that one... Thanks
  5. Hi, I'm Kaden Stenlund and as of now you are the only falconer from Wyoming that I have been able to locate and get in contact with. I just have a quick question for you. Does Wyoming still have a functioning falconry club? Because I haven't been able to find a proper web site or anything. I am living over seas at the moment but i will be moving back to Cody Wyoming next year.

    Thank for any info

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