Conversation Between sharptail and schwartze

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Steve, you may want to have a look at this thread...your comments are welcome!
  2. Hi Jeff,

    Now that you have accused me of "smearing your name", I suggest that you return to the Longwingers' list archives and thoroughly read every one of my posts in response to another list member's concern over your trapping experience in South Dakota. If you have insecurities lingering from the experience, that's too bad. But find a way to deal with them on your own. When you read through the Longwinger's list archives you will notice my well-wishes for you with your beautiful new passage gyr. Those well-wishes still remain.


  3. Greeting Steve, I have seen some of where you have smeared my name all over Longwingers. I doubt that the real problem is over me lawfully trapping falcons. Start a thread here, where I am on a lot, and let us see if we can get to the root and beyond it!
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