Conversation Between sharptail and chamokane

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Jeff,
    It's been cold enough that I'm sure the duck hawking is over for the year with the possible exception of a couple of larger creeks.

    Game birds seem to be pretty scarce out in the sagebrush this year. I've been duck hawking so much that it'll probably take a bit for the Peregrines to settle back into game hawking mode even if I find birds. They've each tagged a couple of Huns, but they're not hitting them as hard as they need to in the sagebrush. We're getting quite a bit of snow right now. Maybe that'll make it easier to find tracks and locate birds.

    Dave Knutson called the other day and said he's going to have a few weeks of free time, so we'll probably get together and spend some time hunting in the what fields.

    Are you still in Boise? Do you get any chance to game hawk?
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