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  1. View Conversation
    hi, my name is phil and i am interested in learning more about falconry, i would appreciate it if you could take some time to talk. thanks!
  2. my email address is
  3. Hello thanks for the response on the hood collection. I have a picture available and I can take more if you would like. Please send me your email address so I can email you the picture. Thank.
  4. View Conversation
    Hi Eric, I am moving to the anchorage area and would like information about falconry in the area.
  5. View Conversation
    Hi erc,

    yes, I deleted one of your threads. It was a double post. You posted the same block perch post in two different forums on NAFEX.

    Thank you for your time

  6. Hi John, I'm assuming you have completed the peregrine hood? If so, I will not be able to test fit it because the bird is in a chamber until about Labor Day. I can tell you that a size 18 Jeremy Bradshaw hood fit two of this birds sisters very well. Don't know if that helps or not? If you are pleased with how it turned out I will take it. Once you have an acceptable version of the second hood just ship them both at the same time. How does that sound? If you have any questions or there is anything we need to discuss please do not hesitate to call me

    Thanks. Talk to you later. Eric
  7. View Conversation
    Eric, I finished a black and red hood, like the one I had posted. The grey and black turned out a little cocked, so I chucked it and will start another. I'd like to mail the completed one to you, so you can check fit. Don't worry about paying now. What's your address? John
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Semi-Retired Engineer


Eric Fontaine
Southcentral Alaska


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02-01-2015 02:45 AM
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