Hey there guys. I'm now interested in falconry, and was looking for a mentor. My inspiration started when I was going to the Dallas Museum of Nature and Science and saw a hawk swoop by a few distance away from my dad's car. Not sure was it was (I'm think Harris' Hawk?), but it looked graceful, and I thoguht to myself, man, it would be awesome to have one of those as a pet. After I got home, I began researching on falconry, using Wikipedia. Don't hurt me. I believe Wikipedia is a good source for people wanting a short summary on a subject.

About me. I'm 16. I live in Plano, Texas. Into zoology. I like drawing, mainly dinosaurs and people... but mainly dinosaurs. I really enjoy Paleontology. My 1st name is Mustafa, and I originate from Pakistan, thus why I wanna do falconry with Golden Eagles, if I get experienced, since there are a million... A MILLION of them just flying around there. You can literally pass a chunk of raw meat and expect an Eagle to teleport there from no where and just swoop in for the catch. It was fun doing that when I last visited almost 6 years ago.

So I was wondering. Where can I get a mentor in the Western Dallas, preferably near Plano, area.

EDIT: I get the name signature thing now. What, what a massive brain fart. :\