I have been braiding for about 2 years now. My harris hawk has worn a full leash/jess set I made him for about 2 years and my falcon has worn her set since I got her last year. I make tightly braided equipment and after some refinements to my sennit rose buttons I am very confident in what I am making. I use 80lb test dacron for usually tiercel prairie falcons to jerkins and 130lb test for anything larger (haven't made eagle equipment yet though). For my full leash sets I have been using 5mm 450lb test wind on swivels, but if you prefer each piece braided separately I can accommodate. I have been making two color patterns black and black/white,blue,red speck. I just ordered new swivels but they are back-ordered. Have been making sets for local friends and my work birds, and have been well received. I charge $55 for a full set including shipping. PM me if interested, I can make leash and jesses to exact size specifications. Here are a few pictures of my sets.

I also ordered some 50lb test for some micro equipment but I haven't tried the sennit rose on that size yet.