Hey there,

I have to admit that I don't even qualify for "new" when it comes to falconry. Its always been a dream of mine to learn more about it, however, and to hopefully work hard enough for the priviledge to eventually fly a raptor. I know this probably won't be for a few years, but I feel its about time to dive on in and learn as much as I can.

I'll be joining the Ohio Falconry Association soon and hope to learn a lot from the organization. I have always had a very strong interest in the red tails, even though owls and kestrels are also near the top of my list as well.

When I was younger, I discovered a broad wing on the side of the road that had been struck by a car. His legs were swollen and paralized, and I cared for him for about 2 days (hand feeding him mice and helping him tear it) until I found a wildlife rehab center. Unfortunately I do believe they put him down because of his injury, but the experience was one of a kind.

I probably won't post much since I'll be reading off of every one else's posts to learn what they know, but I figured I'd pop in and introduce myself anyways

Hello from Ohio!