Quote Originally Posted by Saluqi View Post
Fred, what I'm saying is that if you want "NAFA" (NAFA is actually a collection of volunteers) to do something for you, maybe you should volunteer to do it for NAFA, so that every one could benefit. Whenever someone emails Larry or one of the directors and says "NAFA should do such and such" or "what is NAFA doing about such and such?", do those people really think that NAFA has a hit team that is on standby waiting to do all of these little assignments that people think of? No, of course not, it takes effort and manpower, and to be honest all of the directors, officers and volunteers are pretty darn busy. So if you as a member has an idea that would be to the benefit of falconry, NAFA members, or NAFA itself, then you can either volunteer to do the job yourself to the benefit of all, or if it's a big effort then you can talk your director, or Larry and work on putting together a proposal which would include things like the purpose, cost, benefits, implementation, etc. Then you can present the proposal to the board and see where it goes from there, it's really not that complicated. I remember in one of Ralph Rogers last reports as director at large he said that in the past members all wanted to know what they could do for NAFA, and today the members all want to know what NAFA can do for them. There's give and take in every relationship, in order to get something back, you've got to put something in.
Let's see, how have I tried to give to NAFA and the falconers of North America. Oh yeah, I remember.

I ran for DAL. Lost to a friend but kept him honest.

I volunteered to run the 'IT' program but when the director in charge got very high intensity and lied about how often I gave my status reports, it became work and unpleasant so I asked to be relieved from the project.

The standard model of problem solving within NAFA is exactly as you said.

Make a proposal.
Get it approved by the president
Volunteer to run the project.
Spend more time doing status reports than doing anything constructive.
Blah, blah, blah.

After being a blind supporter, I have been educated as a result of attempting to get involved.

All this really needs for the states that are not clear is a call to the proper level in the departments to get a position paper. Job done. NAFA would turn it into a million dollar project or as you as a director point out just leave it to each individual falconer within the state, you'd never get an official position from the director just what ever the person on the phone thinks at that moment.

But we've been through this all before, no sense rehashing it.