First of all, the video was a good video. You are making it out to be worse than it really is, and only you as a falconer would catch on it’s a sealed pigeon. It’s time to get over it. What is killing falconry; all this fighting, bickering and arrogance. So you bring up a good point, maybe we all should be careful next time with what is aired on TV or YouTube. But to belittle and attack a fellow falconer over it? A young falconer and an apprentice none the less? All you are doing is causing these young kid to hate falconers, hate NAFA, and all of the association within. What happened to tolerance and showing the way with leadership? Is this a lost art (rhetorical). Are we that arrogant to think unless someone does it the way we do it, they shouldn’t even try or try to make difference? I’m here to tell you, its attitudes like this that is killing falconry, fighting within. We fight over speculation or the possibilities that never come to pass, and we never reflect back on the damage our words have done. And trust me, they have done some damage! The falconry community can only be group strong and we are not that big to begin with. What this arrogance and belittling does is ostracize individuals with hate and anger, and we need these young guys coming into the sport. So you have an opinion, is it really worth belittling and pushing one more person out or to the edge? Falconry is a small group in comparison, and we need every person to stand up for you and its rights. We don’t need this BS, and I am ashamed right now to be associated with the 2% who insist on being dinks on this forum by pushing their reprimands. Just because my falconry is one style, my mews have certain birds in them, I run this type of dog doesn’t make me better than you, or that you should fly birds the same way I do. So what if a guy may have a “legal” make shift mews, flies a bird downtown with a creance made of fishing line. I may not do it that way, but if that is what he wishes to do, Hey it’s his right. So what, he has a different idea. And if your so worried about a sealed pigeon on film, then don’t ever fly a sealed pigeon, period! You never know who is watching, filming, or pretending to be a falconer for the anti’s. You’re not going to BS me by saying you have never hindered a pigeon when flying a longwing here in the States, cause I know better. You are just as guilty. You’re not going to BS and me and say your birds have always had the perfect flight, the perfect stoop and the perfect strike. We have all done things that can hinder falconry at one point or another, but so what, we learn from them. We learn from them as long as we have a teacher. I ask myself often, why can’t we be more tolerant of other falconers. Since when did we start airing others laundry for the public to criticize… do we really need to start airing laundry over a good video that only a few falconers would even notice. Is this really what falconry has come to?