Well where to start...................

I'm English, living in Nottinghamshire, in the UK, and have been hunting with hawks for the majority of my life.

I've flown a few different hawks over the years, and have trained a few birds & other animals for public demonstration, tv, film & theatre work.

I'm currently working as a chef, due to the free daylight hours that this type of work allows me to have, which I find Especialy useful during the season.

I've spent the last few seasons flying goshawks, and nothing else, this season coming up I should be flying a home bred female, which is a first for me, and somthing I'm looking forwards to immensely.

My semen donor goshawk has been my hunting companion for the last 3 seasons, and he's proved his worth time after time, which I'm hoping will set a good grounding for his daughter to fill his shoes.

I've come to the nafex forum, because I've become very disillusioned with, (UK),forums recently, and thought I'd give it one last go, before chucking in the 'falconry forum' towel, so to speak.

Anyway, thought I'd post up a couple of pictures of the last few seasons.

Female goshawk on rabbit.

Imprint male, ready for anything.

Imprint male on crow.

Imprint male on rabbit.

Imprint male on hen pheasant.