Not sure where the best place is to post this, so I will post it in a couple places. Please let others know about this if you recognize their birds!

My friend Annelisa and I came down from Olympia for the meet in Madras, OR this last weekend, and I took a bunch of photos while we were there. Here are the two links to the albums on my Picasa page:

Misc photos of birds (including Ron's Harris Chili):

Mark and Andrew's birds (Maggie, Zeb and Solomon):

I've had trouble with links in the past, so hopefully these work ok. If not, let me know, and I will try to sort it out.

Thank you so much to everyone we met, especially Ron, Mark and Andrew, who graciously allowed us to tag along with them when they went out! We had such a great time and learned so much! You guys are the best! I hope we can stay in touch, and maybe go out with you on Whidbey sometime when I'm Stateside again!