22 days cont.

Well, I guess it's time to expand Sherlock's play area from just the floor to every piece of furniture in the house. After some intent staring, he made a leap and scrabbled his way up to the sofa cushion where he then chirped a bit like he was proud of himself. My little guy is growing up!

On another note, I brought him into my truck to take a drive as usual, but I guess the combination of heat, noise, and the fact that he hadn't been in it for a few days caught him off guard and I only made it to the end of the road before it was obvious he was getting stressed and overheated. Turned around right there and brought him back where he in the shade under a tree for an hour or so. Re-acclimating him to my truck is back on my list it seems. I really wish I had ac in there for the poor guy.