On Saturday, June 21st from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Ohio Falconry Association (OFA) will be hosting the 4th annual OFA Apprentice/Pre-Apprentice Workshop in Columbus, Ohio.

This workshop is appropriate for all new apprentices waiting to trap their first bird, as well as for all prospective falconers looking to find out a bit more about the sport. The workshop will cover a variety of topics including: regulations, equipment, trapping and training, hunting with your bird, telemetry, finding a sponsor, and much more. Also, a number of 2nd year Apprentices (and a few new General class falconers) will be on hand to discuss their experiences and "lessons learned".

The workshop will be held at the District One ODNR headquarters, which is located at 1500 Dublin Road, Columbus, Ohio. There will be a $10 fee which will cover the cost of materials and lunch.

Please send an RSVP to Joe Dorrian (OFA Apprentice Director) at jdorrian@wideopenwest.com if you plan to attend. This will ensure that we have enough food and materials available for all in attendance.