Hi everyone,
My name is Josh Duffy and I'm fairly new to the sport. My good buddy Dan (AKA 'Hawkincrazy') got me hooked last year when I witnessed his experience with his female Harris, Ra. After spending most of last year tagging along with them and attending a few AFA events, I decided it was time to start working towards getting licensed and building the necessary materials. Now as a new member of AFA, NAFEX, and after recently acquiring my apprentice license, I look forward to continue my learning from the wealth of experience/knowledge available.

I'm hoping to try and trap a male Harris this year and have gone scouting/trapping several times thus far. Tucson looks very promising since we saw probably over 12 adult and 3-4 juvenile Harris'. Scottsdale we saw about 5, but all were adult. I've dropped the trap a few times already but not had any luck on getting them to come down. My next window of opportunity will be in June/July when I have 6 days off. Here's to crossing my fingers. Although I am super excited and enthusiastic about getting my first bird, I really want to stay focused on doing things right and learning from all those who are willing to share insight.

After reading the forum rules of engagement, I attempted to update my signature with my name but I am just getting a spin wheel. Not sure why that is, but I'll try to figure it out. Apologies in advance forum police.


Josh Duffy
Apprentice (Arizona)