Hello everyone,
I hope your molt is going well. Now instead of dragging out a story I'll get right to the point, I make paracord jesses and leashes to the specific length you need. Recently I have only been selling them to people in our local falconry club and friends. My last order was for two jesses that were 8 inches each and a leash that was 30 inches. Now I would like to have my equipment available to more and more people, so I am taking orders as of now. At the moment I can only make jesses and leashes in blue, but will soon be able to make them in many colors. I use 550 paracord which is the common paracord that you will see in survival bracelets. For the knot on each jess I can ether do a single knot or a double knot. Here is a picture of the double knot in another thread: http://www.nafex.net/showthread.php?t=9322. If you have a question about a color or you would like to order a pair, PM me or shoot me an email at: stonefalconer@gmail.com and I'll get back to you right away. On the next pair I make I will take pictures and post them on here. I am selling 2 jesses and one leash for $5 each. I accept paypal only. Thanks for looking.