Our website went down a few months ago, no idea why and no one could fix it.
We made a new website and I am still adding a few things for people to read.
You can also order the book through the website if you are in the USA. If anyone outside the USA is interested on a book, you will have to contact us by email or call us to figure out you correct shipping cost.
Your options for our book are:
Regular book $85.00
Signed, Sealed and Embossed is $100.00
The Limited Edition Leather Bound book is $525.00. Each one of these books is a "One of a Kind". These books take about six to eight months for delivery.
The Limited edition has an extra page with an Andre Ellis sketch of a stooping falcon after some game. On that same page you have the names and signatures of the Authors and Artists involved on our book. Only 100 of these books will be made. My guess is that about forty of these books are still available.
I will try to add a few photos of some of these books here later on.

Website: www.theflyingoffalcons.com
My email: flyingfalcons@me.com
Cell: (1) 435-901-1773