I gather from my reading I'm technically classified as a pre-apprentice, yes, thats right I'm just getting started on my journey to becoming a falconer.

As with most of the introductions I've read so far, I'm doing all the typical things an aspiring falconer does; reading, studying.. more reading, videos and reading some more. A big thank you to NAFEX and it's members, you've really given me some great material to sift through, this place is great!

At this point I feel like I've picked the worst time of year to discover my calling, just before the first foot of snowfall, at least it feels that way, there's so much I'd like to do. In good time I guess. I'll just have to settle on getting the testing out of the way and be patient.

The biggest obstacle I see in my future though is my location, I'm near the MI/WI border. I've been in contact with the few falconers up here in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, but we're pretty widely dispersed. That being the case I've been trying to locate others, maybe in the Northern Wisconsin area as well.. If you're near by give me a shout, I'd appreciate a good conversation and possible exposure to the sport.

Well, thats about it.. if you made it to this point in my ramblings, thanks for reading. I look forward to this process like no other
