Quote Originally Posted by falcon3d View Post
Thanks Pete. I like the video. I noticed another video in your collection on Vimeo (I've started him on the hard stuff. Solid food). This is about the level of feathering my bird currently has, but is nowhere near ready to tear food - barely eats his finely chopped food well.
What are you feeding it? The smaller the hawk or falcon the more important it is for quality nutrition. Now I know that Shikras are normally a little less particular about their food quality than a Sparrowhawk for instance. But, I also wouldn't think that chicken or low quality Coturnix quail would do much for them either. Smaller birds need higher nutrition due to their increased activity. Sparrows, dove or even pigeon would be better than quail during this growth phase. Later you might get away with using quail, particularly if you want to tweak the weight without reducing the ration, but you will notice a significant drop in desire to put out on harder flights if you use it regularly.