Troy, FYI the commission order can be a little unclear regarding apprentice trapping. Here it is directly from the order

"Jan 1 – Jan 31, 2013, 2014; May 1 – Dec 31, 2013, 2014 (1,2,4,5) Statewide except Yuma and La Paz counties." This is for eyas and passage raptors.

"Apprentice falconers are limited to capture of passage raptors, and they may take adult American kestrels, western screech owls, and great horned owls between Jan 1 to Jan 31 and Sept 15 to Dec 31."

The "Jan 1 to Jan 31 and Sept 15 to Dec 31" refers to the adult raptors of the species mentioned. I have clarified this with Bill Burger the falconry coordinator in the region. So what this mean is, if you have time this weekend, you can go trapping. Just thought I would pass it on