Hi drake. I hope you are having better luck with touching your bird - this summer I trained a rehab rt that was very bitey/footy. Being used to my other (super mellow) bird I wasn't sure what to do. I started out just moving my hand very, very slowly towards her chest, and the moment she reached towards me I would pull my hand back, then repeat when she lost interest in my hand. When I got my hand close enough to her, still moving super slow, I touched her chest really lightly with one finger and immediately pulled my hand away. At first she"d still try to snap at me, but if I did it quick enough I could avoid being bit, and eventually I was able to work up to her allowing me to stroke her chest and feel her keel without getting bit -though I still had to move slowly and watch her body language.
Not sure if this is helpful, but I just thought I'd toss my 2 cents in here for what it is worth.
Good luck with your bird and I hope you have an awesome season!