Very broody and is vocalizing at night trying to call in males. Creche-reared with her siblings early in life and exposed to GHOs for her first two years. I have bred imprinted EEOs in the past and am confident she will breed with the right male. Average size. I’m looking for someone with a mature male for breeding loan at your facility or mine to share young. Need to pair them up quickly to have success this year.

I would also consider selling this bird to the right facility or situation. She has extensive experience in shows and abatement and has never been hunted. This makes her ideal for shows and abatement contracts where pests need to be scared and not caught. She would need lure training and possibly bags for falconry purposes.

Non-aggressive and very soft-footed, very little in the way of biting the glove. Crate trained and travels well in the giant hood. Great free-lofted or tethered. Feather perfect and does not pick at tail-mounted or leg-mounted telemetry. I haven’t flown her this year so she would need just a little work to get going, but this eagle owl is about as good as they come.