You guys have no idea what this means to me to read your posts.. Thank you so much for all of the warm wishes and kind words. I have changed who I am because of what happened to me. I am not taking life for granted anymore and really enjoying slowing down and taking more time to be with people like you all in my life. Thank you so so much. You made my day to see there are still a few of us kicking around. I really appreciate you all so much and you taking the time to post.

thank you for being my friends. I hope I can give back to you guys as much as you do for me.

Nafex will always be here. Even if its just me blabbering along.. . I will for sure start some threads about my birds too. I am flying and getting out. I had some great flights yesterday and just happy to be able to do it again. I hope I can see many of you soon. If you all are in my neck of the woods please do PM me so we can at least have dinner

Your friend,
