Quote Originally Posted by jdrmd View Post
Spoke with Gary today. He is hoping to release the book in the late spring or early summer. It will be between 600 and 800 pages long and will have many beautiful color pictures. The book layout is being done by Dan Milner. He does the layout work on NAFA's Hawk Chalk and did the same for Steve Chindgren's newest book "The Art of Hawking Sage Grouse". Dan does beautiful work. As far as a pre-order, Gary is thinking about using Kickstarter to help with printing costs. It's going to be a beautiful book and I will try to keep everyone up to date as details become available.
I cannot for the life of me understand why authors of falconry books do not use an on demand printing service (like Amazon for example) to avoid having a trailer load of books stored under a bed for years. In addition to the economics of getting the book going, the book will not be out of print as soon as the under bed space is empty causing the book to be worth $500 and only
available to collectors.