Have imprinted a mix of Accips and longwings [for hunting purposes only]. It's difficult to produce a totally silent young bird that still hunts with a vengence....partiqularly an Accip.

One thing to consider though, however noisey the bird during its 1st season once at moulting weight it "should" shut up. This also provides you with the opportunity to minimise any noise issue futher through increased interaction.....basically bringing the bird into the house again.

After hard penning a large % of falconers can't wait to get the thing outside due to the constant vocal irritation, by bringing the bird back in again at its moulting weight you should have a minimum amount of noise, combine this with an increasing amount of "non-food-associated-interaction" will ensure a quiet bird the following year.

When applied to a couple of imprinted Perlins it was also used to reduce their tendancy to carry through ensuring continous interaction each and every time they fed.
