Can't believe it, right? Yeah, me neither.
But it happened. i have been reconditioning this little tiercel and he has really come along. He actually started to catch on to the waiting on thing. He did his normal routine; fly WAY off, come back into the wind, was about to wait on and then a quick tilt and he was way down wind again, stooped into the tree line and out came 2 birds. They were so far off I couldn't tell if they actually made contact. They both went back into the tree line and one bird came up moved further back and possibly landed. I stayed put and my husband drove that way with the telemetry. Naturally the weather started turning bad...QUICK. Not to much later we were in the dark, freezing rain and wind. No real signal. A faint blip coming up from this narrow ravine.
Went back to the last blip place only to have no signal. All day driving with receiver going. No signal. Swinging the lure at various places around and including the original place. Nothing. Today...the same. A friend came up with his receiver (a little better than mine) and we did a huge radius and covered a lot of ground. Still nothing. Advice is welcome as well as any encouraging words. I have grown quite fond of this little guy. It has been a real joy putting him back together and watching him come alive again. I am just sick over this whole thing.........