Greetings! - or should I say, Hilsen fra Minnesota!

As the title points out, I am merely a rookie in the world of falconry. I've been interested in falconry since my youth, and as I've grown older the desire has only increased.

I currently live in Minnesota - born and raised (although educated in Iowa..), and have literally zero experience with falconry save the few books I have read. Of course, I would love to get into the sport more and cannot wait to become an apprentice - which brings me to an important question!

Although I'm well aware this is the North American Falconer's forum, I am wondering if anyone has any experience or knows anything about falconry in Norway? My fiance and I plan on moving there in the next few years. I have done some Google searching but have yet to come up with anything relevant. Basically, I'm looking for the laws in Norway.

Of course, if our time-table is pushed back a bit and I know we'll be here in Minnesota for a few more years, I will actively pursue apprenticeship here - but of course, I'll still need any information on Norwegian falconry.

Thanks in advance, and I must say I love the forum (I've been a member for a few days already, just as a reader)!
