I'll be approaching my second apprenticeship year this fall and have recently moved to Nederland, CO. I've been in touch with Mario from the CHC but it seems we haven't had any luck locating anyone around the area. From what Mario informed me, CO has a period of 30 days to find a mentor/sponsor before stripping you of your licence and making you take the test all over again. I'm not really looking to shell out the cash to those greedy... nevermind.

So my plan for this year, if all goes well, is to trap and fly a kestrel of either sex. The bird population is limited here but I did find a spot on the outskirts of town right next to the reservoir where there are starlings daily. We'll have to hope they stay through the winter.

I flew a male redtail last year in South Dakota and can link any potential sponsor or anyone else to the thread that I created on the international boards at that time.

If there is anyone out there around Ned/Boulder/Longmount or a closeby surrounding area who preferably has Kestrel experience, or would be willing to help, please help make yourself known.

All assistance is much appreciated in advance!