Well today Jack weighed in at 740 grams and I decided to take him for a ride and see how he does out of the window of my truck. I drove him around and we pulled into a sand and grass lot. I set the quail up and started to drive towards the quail. As I pulled up jack was watching the quail and seemed interested.

I stopped my truck right next to the quail and put jack near the window. He was very unsure and bated. He regained himself very quickly and the quail flushed and started to fly around. This refocused him, and I lowered him towards the quail out of the truck window, and he flew off of my fist but landed near the quail. As the quail flushed again, he realized his purpose and bound to it. I let him break in and have some of the breast and then made the transfer. No mantling or carrying of either the quail nor the lure. He was content with eating and watching jets fly by. [smilie=icon_pidu.gif]

It wasn't perfect but it went good. He rode around in the truck and loves doing that. I will take about 5 more grams off and see if he is more focused. I am also going to start to do some night training. I think the night hawking will really build his confidence.

Well, just wanted to share that with you guys and give you an update. Thoughts or suggestions are welcome.