Saturday August 22nd was the New Mexico Falconers Annual Picnic and Raffle. It was held at Wildlife West Nature Park in Edgewood, NM. We had record turnout with about 60 in attendance including family and friends. I would like to thank everyone who sent in donations, Rich (Lowachi) for his beautiful hand made prairie falcon belt buckle, Mario Nickerson for donating several sets of paracord jesses and leashes and a CHC tee, Don Carroll of TX for his hand turned block, Mike's Falconry for donating a gorgeous suede hawking bag, Marshall Radio for their very generous gifts of various telemetry items, Western Sporting for the huge box of goodies, everything from McD's new book and gauntlets, braided gear to key chains, and all association members and friends for their generous gifts.

The meeting was very productive, Frank Bond and Matt Mitchell presented the first draft of the new regulations to the state for their review, Brian Millsap explained the peregrine take and we discussed the NM take, and Tom Smylie gave a history of the sport in NM. The raffle raised a record amount of money, and the food and banter were all perfect.

Here are a couple of pics, I didn't get many....

Matt Mitchell and Juan-Carlos

Tables of goodies (there was a lot more stuff after folks started showing up)

Dee-Dee, Tanner, Matt, and Tom Smylie

Chris & Letitia from NMDGF

Nate (Bacon) & friend

Tanner & Nate

Random crowd shot