Quote Originally Posted by rmayes100 View Post
I had a Red-tail a couple of years ago that I trapped the first day of trapping season that turned into a screamer (she was still hanging around her siblings and parents when I trapped her). I used a similar technique as what's described below and I was able to reduce the screaming significantly in a couple of weeks.

What I found worked well is with the bird on a perch or in the mews, when I would approach the bird if she was quiet I would walk closer, but if she started screaming I would start backing away, if she stopped screaming I would stop backing away and start approaching again. If she kept on screaming I would leave completely and come back after a few minutes and try again. Kind of a red light/green light game with a raptor. If I could get close enough to the bird to give her tidbit I would, but only if she stayed quiet. She learned pretty quick that if she was quiet I would stick around and give her tidbits and even pick her up and take her out but if she was noisy she would drive me away. I didn't have to spend a lot of time doing this and the noise subsided pretty quickly. Of course this only works if the bird kind of likes you or at least is associating you with food.
I've worked with dogs that were barking their faces off. Was payed to train them to be silent. Actually, I went a little further to put 'cues' or commands on the behaviors, worked like a charm. I'm 100% certain this method will work with BOP, in fact it will work with people too. hahaha.

I'd shiddup if you gave me 5 bucks :P