hey Carlos,

I just posted it in the longwing forum, so take a peek . I'm very partial to accipiters myself.. if I ever get this going I'd love to try my hand at flying a gos, or coopers. And those Korean bows are very cool.. never tried one though I've looked at a few videos. I went the olympic recurve route with the occasional traditional thrown in going to the range with the kids.


Quote Originally Posted by carlosR View Post
Hi Lars and welcome! I don't know where you are going to post those photos but I'd love to see them. I'm an austringer (I know it's an archaic word but isn't this sport?) so I rarely go to the longwing section. Anyway glad you are rekindling your interest in falconry and I hear there are many good falconers out your way. Trust me that's the best way to learn the sport, at the hands of experienced folks.
I'm into archery also, I'm shooting a Korean recurve bow and loving it.