This is what I did: When I enter Caprica's mews she is always very enthusiastic. She has just done her behavior of going to her swing perch so that I will enter and she knows something good is going to happen. So I just let her come to my glove where she is anxiously looking around for the next fun thing. Then I pointed the laser on the ground and made a big deal of looking at the spot. After a twenty seconds or so she dropped down to check it out so I reinforced her (the OC bridge I use is not a clicker, it's verbal, way easier when you want to keep your hand free for other stuf, like laser pointers LOL) and toss her a tidbit.
She caught on pretty quick. The most difficult bit was (and is) getting her looking around in different places for the illuminated spot. It's much harder to see on the side of a branch. She's doing well, but I don't see her hooding herself anytime in the near future LOL.