I would do the waiting on flights, but where i'm moving the only real source of consistent slips would be urban stuff, not anywhere where the bird could take a pitch to get a slip. If opportunities for open field flights were available, honestly I would pick a bird better suited for it.

Michelle- I know that is a common thing for some birds. To prevent this, as soon as the birds are hardpenned they will be flown on wild quarry. I think the mistake people make is waiting too long to expose the bird to quarry. A bird that is just getting hardpenned is still pretty dumb, but a bird that is 6 months old has developed a "what a food should look like" mental image. I also will NEVER throw a handtossed quail. I think that causes problems as well. Any quail would be tossed from a launcher, pointed by a pointer.

Thanks for the advice guys. Should I go through with this, which i am going to try my best to, I will try to keep a log like I did with Goose.