Hi All a new Introduction is in order hope this is alright with Chris.

I have recently been Appointed with the aid of my wife Jackie as the new NAFA UK Membership Liason to take over from John and Laila Green who have stood down after 12 years in the Job (A big thank you to them both) and looking forward to Helping NAFA members in the UK (and anywhere else) in any way I can.

Brief Resume as sent to the Nafa Board
To aid and assist NAFA Members
NAFA Members (Since 1999 – )
First started Falconry in UK 1991 Flying Female Redtail Hawk Currently flying Harris Hawk and Male Redtail on Rabbit and Hare’s.
Member Yorkshire Hawking Club UK.

Attended NAFA Field Meets 2000, 2002, 2006, 2008
Licensed as an apprentice falconer in California since 2008.

Employed since 1999 and currently, as Zoo Curator for a Raptor facility Cotswold Falconry Centre inaugurated in 1988 currently housing over 130 birds of prey, from Pygmy Owls and Pygmy Falcons to Griffon Vultures. Established breeding facility for Zoological specimens and some species suitable for falconry purposes. Past Successes with RTH, HH & Peregrine Falcons, Only UK Breeders of Yellow Headed Caracara (Milvago chimachima) over 30 separate species Bred at the centre since 1988.
Supporters of The Gyps Oriental White-backed Vulture Project Based in Pakistan.

Have trained for display purposes many Raptors Including Falcons, Eagles, Vultures and Caracaras,
Flew Falcons for Bird abatement purposes over two winter seasons on Landfill.

pleased to take on the mantle of NAFA Foreign Liaisons officer UK.

Contact me on
Email: Mike.hope@blueyonder.co.uk

Skype: redtailnutlaptop
Skype Number: +44 (0)121 288 1983 (Leave a message from any phone)
or through the forum